
Welcome to Xclusive MMA,  my name is Drew and I have been involved in the Hawaiian fight scene since 2006. It all started with an invite from a friend and creator of MMAHawaii.com to shoot some photos at the fights. I can still remember it like it was yesterday being ring side with my camera trying to get the shot! What a night that was and to say the least I was hooked. I loved the hunt of the action and getting everything right to get SHOT!!!


I honed my camera skills and as things progressed I was given and opportunity to film the fights. I secured a video camera and my journey into the field of recording the fights started. Hawaii Fighting Championships and X-1 World Events were among the first events I filmed. From those early experiences I had a dream that I wanted to broadcast the fights to an even larger audience than just a ballroom or the the Blaisdell because I wanted the world to see what incredible talent the Hawaii Islands has in terms of Mixed Martial Arts, also often I saw promoters struggle and thought at the same time I could help them make better fights and help fund it. I felt that putting the fights online in a way that income could be generated is a way to help and spread the word that we have world class fight talent in Hawaii. That goal of spreading the word and helping the promote began a long process of learning how to build websites and and all the things involved to make that a reality. Now you see the culmination and the start of the dream becoming a reality in this site I am calling  Xclusive MMA. This site is a work in progress but we are proud to showcase the best fights on the islands and make them instantly available world wide. Currently we have fights from X-1 World Events, Destiny MMA, and Ainofea Kauai.


Thanks for checking us out and please share us on your social networks to speed the awareness of Xclusive MMA though out the islands and though out the world of MMA. Also please purchase and watch the fights as proceeds from this site go for two purposes. One to the promoters so they can have more budget to do what they do better, better fight cards, better venues and more fight dates. Second proceeds go to upgrading our equipment and maintaining the costs of this site, equipment and the streaming services. We have plans for the future of live streaming the fights but need equipment upgrades to make that happen and deliver a quality product. But there will be a day when there is a fight in Hawaii you will be able to log in and watch it from anywhere in the world in real time. This has huge potential and we feel we are a part of the catalyst making the sport of MMA in Hawaii the best it can be.

See ya at the fights
Xclusive MMA

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