Hawaii Fights On Demand :: MMA RePlay

MMA cage fighting on demand. Tired of watching your favorite Hawaii MMA fights from those shaky low quality phone videos from outside the cage, and when the action gets good some dude stands up in front of the camera? Us too thats why we started making these videos available online. We have the premium footage from above the cage with high quality camera gear. There is a fee for the footage but most goes back to the promoters of the events and the rest we use to upgrade gear and pay the fees around making this service available world wide. Right now we have events from Destiny MMA and X-1 World Events available. Thanks for checking out xclusive mma and our replays of the fights. This service will be called MMA RePlay. So order it and help us grow this into something awesome. If your a promoter and interested in making your event available online please contact us here and we can sort out the details.

(the guy operating the camera above the cage)
Drew Xclusive MMA