Man UP Stand Up
Nov 17 2017
Waipau Filcom
Get it here straight from the man Derek Bright,
“Awwhh yeah baby. Last show of the year, so you know how we do it. Kids, adults, male, female, rookies, vets. We got it all & we got some belts to go along with some of them too. And that’s wassup gangy.
The main event has been set for the Nov 17 End of the Year show, Man up & Stand up fans. Both fighters are 2-time Man up & Stand up champions. So, both of them hold titles & one of them will be holding in their regrets on how they could’ve fought harder after Nov 17 at the Waipahu Filcom.
Undefeated Rodrigo Tabladillo who is the 2-time Man up & Stand up 125 & 135 current Muay Thai champion from Maui will step out of his comfort zone in an attempt to earn Oahu’s own Cody Lasconia’s 125 Kickboxing title. Will the attempt be successful? Tabladillo has denied everyone that Man up & Stand up has put in the opposite corner of him & plans on denying a lot more. Heehee. Muay Thai is his strength but in this match, he has his 3rd Man up & Stand up title in sight even though they’re not fighting Muay Thai style. Lasconia has only been on the circuit for only 2 years but has been stunning the crowd as well as his opponents chins in all of his matches. He won the 2016 Rookie of the Year 125 Oahu title with no problem & won the 125 Kickboxing title in May in a hard-fought match against Jared Iha.
If you missed that match. What were you thinking? That fight was KILLAZ. This will be Lasconia’s first title defense and you know that he plans on holding on to the title for a lot longer than 5 months. Tabladillo & Lasconia are preparing for this major battle. Where Champion vs Champion, Island vs Island, Muay Thai vs Kickboxing. Who you got taking the W? Be sure to stay tuned to know more about these fighters and their intentions for Nov 17.”
Catch all the hype and action as it happens on the Man UP Stand UP Instagram feed