Pierre Daguzan participates at Combate Global 8 Man Tournament

Pierre Daguzan will join The 8 Man Tournament

at Combate Global on December 12


Combate Global 8 Man Tournament


Pierre Daguzan is preparing for the biggest fight of his career, The Combate Global 8 Man Tournament. The Winner of the Tournament will take home $100, 000, 00

The eight-man tournament will consist of eight different fighters around the world

Frans Mlambo representing Ireland

Leodegario Muniz – representing USA

David “Black Spartan” Martinez – Mexico

Pierre “The French Hawaiian” Daguzan –  France

Mauro Mastromarini – Argentina

Jose Zarauz of Peru

Kevin Cordero of Spain

This is not going to be easy. This is in fact the toughest challenge there is!

The winners of the quarterfinal stage bouts in each bracket will meet each other in the semifinals. That winner will represent his respective country and face off in the championship stage of the bantamweight tournament.

Combate Global 8 Man Tournament participants:

1.) Ireland – Frans Mlambo

2.) USA – Leodegario Muniz

3.) Mexico – David “Black Spartan” Martinez

4.) Chile – Cristian Barraza

5.) France – Pierre “The French Hawaiian” Daguzan

6.) Argentina Mauro Mastromarini

7.) Peru – Jose Zarauz

8.) Spain – Kevin Co